Between the Lines
The political drama is far from over. With the recent press events, one thing is clear, there is a power struggle to grab the top job in government.
Citizen journalism is more than alive. Even before calls were placed to emergency services after a fatal crash in Malie, videos and pictures were up on different platforms.
Some drivers think they are on the Formula One circuit even on the narrow inside roads. They are not on endangering their lives but also their passengers and other road users.
People going to drop off and pick up passengers from the international have started parking outside the gate. This began after the exit gate fee at the airport was doubled to $10.
Is it a deliberate move to switch off the traffic lights between the DBS and SNPF Plaza on Beach Street? It is easier for motorists as they zoom past without stopping but it is harder to cross the road now.
The oriental express on the Silk Road has come to aid villagers impacted by friends further south who spilt fuel into the ocean. Geopolitics in action, you snooze, you lose.