Between the Lines
A court proceeding inside a courtroom had its music theme. The dripping water from the air-conditioning unit had people turning their heads to where the sound was coming from.
A certain government department needs to have better time management. Invitations to events are not to be sent eight minutes before the event is due to start.
Beware of online scams. Those con artists operating out of Africa and Asia are offering new financial grants for which you have to disclose personal information such as bank details.
After 8 pm, children should not be out selling things outside of supermarkets. The new law to protect children should be the first agenda of the House in the next sitting.
Churches need to look into gambling rehabilitation for those who cannot stay without bingo. Too many children are being left home alone and open to exploitation.
Patrons of bars and nightclubs are wondering if their favourite spots along Beach Road and Mulinuu would be accessible or not during CHOGM.