Between the Lines


The nation could be signing a multi-million dollar deal soon. It’s either that or the World Bank boss is just coming for a sightseeing visit.


Good job by the authorities. Shops have been warned about selling loose cigarettes. They were told to stop the practice or face a $10,000 fine and their business licenses ceased.


Congratulations NUS for getting the treasures back from Germany. However, most of the artefacts are replicas because there was a risk in taking them out of their original containment.


Why is the compulsory education rule not being enforced? Children are still selling things on the streets. What use is the child labour policy if we keep allowing the exploitation of children?


Restaurants in Apia township are bound to make a killing if they extend their opening hours. There seems to be a monopoly on this and the golden arches are making a killing.


If you have not booked a hotel, accommodation or a meeting venue for the coming weeks, then you are out of luck. Most venues are already house full. CHOGM will be hectic.

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