Don Bosco fund raiser tops $40,000

The Don Bosco Technical Center at Alafua celebrated their annual Talent Day on Friday and held a "tausala" for their yearly fundraising drive, this time dedicated to funding a new school hall.
The Technical Center was able to raise more than $40,000 from their fundraising, talent show and tausala on Friday - with more expected to come in.
Some students were selected to perform either in groups or as solo performers.
Most of the talent on display were either singing or dancing, with one group acting out a short skit of a child with a disability who had trouble being adopted.
Parents and friends of the school showed up to display their support for the school and receive gratitude from students for their generosity in this year's fundraising drive.
Mrs. Grace Soo said that Friday's fundraising will be added to the total amount other students collect from individual fundraising efforts.
"We only have one school fundraising throughout the year which is our P.T.A. (Parents and Teachers Association) fundraising, so all the money collected will go straight to the development of the school, and purchasing equipment for the school's use," she said.
One of the parents who was watching the show, Tumua Faalogo, said she was very grateful to the school for accepting her son despite other schools turning him down.
She says she will happily donate funds to the school that accepted her son with open arms and not looking at her son's past academic performance.
"To be honest, my son used to attend one of the Government schools, but he failed to achieve the marks that were needed for him to be in the school," Tumua said.
"So we went from school to school but they always turned him down because it was either low grades or their school was full. However, Don Bosco opened their doors to him and welcomed him. So I, as a mother, will do anything for the school because they have helped my son in every way.
"My son is not smart but he loves to do carpentry work with his family, and ever since he started here he has done great things in our family. I appreciate the work the teachers and the principal have done for him, and in my way of appreciating that is paying my son's fundraising money."
Attempts to seek a comment from the school's Principal, Su'a Mane Su'a, were unsuccessful on Friday.