What's your favourite memory with your father?

By Sulamanaia Manaui Faulalo 09 August 2024, 10:00PM

Ruana Tau-Kamuta, Afega, 67:

"Celebrating Father's Day is significant because of the way they brought us up, especially dads who are still around. I had two fathers growing up, my adopted father and my real father. My memories with my real father are that he was a loving father, and although he was very strict with us, it was because he loved us and wanted us to do well in life. My adoptive father was also the same. They both wanted us to live a happy and fulfilling life. Now that we are married and have children of our own, I see how important the role of the father is in families. I wish the fathers in Samoa and all over the world a very happy Father's Day

Sinai Vaimoli, from Sagone Savai'i, 52:

"Fathers are important to the families. Not only are they the head of the house, but we mothers rely on our husbands for certain chores around the house. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge my father and my own husband, Alapati, for all his hard work in and around the house, especially for the church and the village. My favourite memory with my father is that he was a strong believer in going to church and was a hard worker. Currently, he is in Australia working as a builder and providing for our family. I know even though my husband is overseas, he loves his family, especially his children."

Setefano Felaiai, Levi Saleimoa, 19:

“I remember when I was a little kid, I was really naughty and my dad was strict. Growing up, I now understand why he was strict, he just wanted the best for us and he still does. I am able to give back to my parents because of the way he raised me. I just wish all the fathers in Samoa a Happy Father’s Day."

Falaniko Falaniko, Leauvaa, 23:

"I'm actually named after my father. My favourite memory with my father is how he cared for us and our family. I’m just happy I can celebrate Father’s Day with my dad because we never know what could happen the next Father’s Day. My childhood memories involve going with my father to our farm and growing taro and yam. He has taught me many things that I will forever be grateful for."

Sililo Kogisia Simeone, Aleisa, 28:

"Being a father myself, Father’s Day is a really special day. All glory goes to our heavenly father. My dad is older now, and I'm just happy he raised me to be the man I am today."

Tali Metuli, Aleisa, 21:

"I thank my dad for all the things he has done for us. My favourite memories with him involve how he raised all his children. I wish my dad a happy Father's Day and all the fathers in Samoa."

Nesa Aukusitino, Vaimoso Tai, 21:

"I thank God for blessing me with the dad I have. I appreciate him for taking care of us, and I pray for his long life. I'm just happy my father is still around because he recently had a stroke. The right side of his arm was badly affected but he is much better now."

By Sulamanaia Manaui Faulalo 09 August 2024, 10:00PM
Samoa Observer

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