Maluafou dux Elise has medical dreams

By Faynihanthia Fereti 05 December 2023, 7:00AM

A science student, 18-year-old, Elise Faatuai Brown has been named the 2023 Maluafou College dux and she knows that her journey to have a career in the medical fraternity has just begun.

It was a special day for the students of Maluafou College as their achievements were recognised in front of family and friends during their prize giving ceremony on Monday.

On top of being dux, Ms. Brown claimed top place in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing, and Mathematics.

Ms. Brown is the youngest child to parents, Sonny Vaelua Brown and Lupeoaunu’u Meleisea Brown from Vaoala and Poutasi Falealili villages.

Speaking to the Samoa Observer during an interview after prize giving, the top student attributed her achievements to her family saying they were her greatest motivation and pillar of support throughout her academic journey.

“I am so happy and overwhelmed at the moment. It’s such a great achievement and I would not have achieved all of this without them being by my side offering all the support I needed, physically, financially, and mentally”

“I’ve been so fortunate because of them, especially my parents. They have shown love, patience, and commitment to me by being supportive of my academic journey and I hope I have made them proud.”

“None of this would be possible if it weren’t for them. This is just a token of appreciation for all their hard work and what they have done for me.”

She also acknowledges the support of her teachers and friends for lending her a hand when needed.

“I’d like to thank my teachers for bearing with me for five years, I am grateful for their support and for having my back always and in all ways.”

Looking ahead, the reserved teen wants to become a doctor.

“I have set goals and hope to become a doctor in the future and with that, I’m praying to God to give me the strength to pursue it to the fullest for I know nothing is impossible when we trust in Him”

Ms. Brown said she would celebrate the occasion and achievement with her family but deep down she knows that she is getting ready for another challenge. She said she knows that she will be successful because her parents will be supportive of her.

She is hoping to be eligible for one of the scholarships offered to study medicine at the National University of Samoa. She is not sure what exact field of medicine she wants to pursue but says all will become clear with time.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 05 December 2023, 7:00AM
Samoa Observer

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