Between the Lines


There are a lot of visa scams on social media. If you are looking to go abroad for work or even permanently, please do it through the right channels or you will end up losing money.


The signs at most shops said sale, however, it seems that in certain places the price was raised. Let us hope that the price police were on duty for the White Sunday weekend.


Two young men were conversing about CHOGM when one asked if the leaders of Wakanda were coming. Wakanda is not a real country. It is a fictitious place from a comic.


Parents need to restrict internet and phone usage for their children. It is bad enough they are not playing outside enough, some are not going to church.


The videos of a young alleged to have kidnapped a teenage girl allegedly defaming the young woman are still on social media. The matter is before the court and this act is cyberbullying.


One week and counting. Do not be surprised and or shocked if you start seeing foreigners in drove from next week. There will be no hotel accommodations available starting sometime next week.

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