Between the Lines
Where are the audited or any financial reports from district councils on how the $1 million is being used annually? Is it under a different heading on the government website?
Keyboard warriors suggested that the newspaper has no business in the affairs of the red party and asking the government to do its job.
A common belief in village and religious circles is that sex education and access to contraceptives promote sex and do not reduce teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
Looks like a newer, bigger and faster inter-island ferry is on its way to Samoa. This is the type of good news travelling public needs who are often frustrated with limited trips and full ship.
Parents should not leave children unsupervised next to the road. Even with the strictest of instructions to stay put, most children will not. This was the scene in Savalalo on Friday morning.
Commuters getting the bus need to wait for the bus to move on and then cross because a driver can't see the passenger. A near accident was avoided in Vailoa. Luckily the vehicle was slow enough to stop.