Between the Lines


It is good to see efforts from the various CHOGM sub-committees to keep the nation abreast of the latest developments. This way the public will know their responsibilities.


Work is being done late into the night to get the new beer factory up and running. People are waiting to get the taste of Samoa back.


Special attention needs to be given to people piling up in the back of trays either to work or sports training. Transportation is difficult but safety risks could lead to a fatal accident.


It could mean bad news for street vendors during CHOGM. Those operating from the so-called CHOGM Peninsula may not be able to get access to normal areas of operation.


There is a strong indication that the Savalalo Bus Terminal may not be in operation during the week of CHOGM. Fugalei will become very busy and a traffic nightmare.


There were big and strong men pulling a truck on Saturday in Vaitele. The truck was not broken down, it was part of the Strongman competition.

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