What is your solution to address domestic violence?

By Marc Membrere 15 May 2020, 6:00PM

Lealaiauloto Tuluilealaiaulotosaofaileta, 61, Vavau

Parents should guide their children and they should have evening prayers every day. After these evening prayers, parents can have time to talk with their children about what is right and what is wrong. Parents should teach them what is supposed to be done. The parents are the cause of this, especially when families don't have any evening prayers. If the child is taught and brought up wisely then they would know about respect within the family. The only reason why it is increasing is because of the parents.

Fuialo Mose, 54, Matautu

People should be aware of the principles of family. The reason why domestic violence occurs is alcohol. Arguments within the family usually happen because of alcohol consumption. A way to stop violence would be communication within the family. If they talk with each other then that would stop any violence or arguments from happening and also by praying to God.

Fiu Filo, 49, Lepa

A way to put an end to domestic violence is by having parents talk to their children because this will help them know what to do. Communication would prevent any argument that might happen in the family.

Auvaa Mamea, 45, Satitoa

Right now we should protect our health and we should also protect ourselves from whatever may happen. The only way we can stop and prevent domestic violence is through prayer because we can resist any temptations through prayer.

Pula Metuli, 64, Vavau

The reason why domestic violence happens is because of parents. What should be done is evening prayers, teach their kids wisely, and teach them about what should be done and what shouldn't be done. A way to stop domestic violence is to rely on God. So if any temptations occur we can resist it. It can be stopped by parents teaching their children and if the family have a close relationship with God.

Laile Manuleleua, 55, Malaela

People should go to church so that stuff such as domestic violence won't occur because you wouldn't know what is going through another person's mind. Temptations are everywhere so with people going to church, it will help them end and resist this violence.

By Marc Membrere 15 May 2020, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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