Is the water rate increase justified and affordable for families?

Well for me, I am always very supportive of whatever practices that any Ministries would do as long as they're for a better reason. If the water is expensive or cheap, the most important thing is that we can access the water and there is nothing more important than that. Those who are complaining should reconsider their views on the issue because I will keep saying this. I thank God for the fresh water we can access each day so if the Government will increase the rate of water bill then I know it's for a good cause.
I guess for this one I think the Samoa Water Authority (S.W.A) is increasing the water rate to protect against the misuse of water by those who could not care more about the importance of water in our lives. A lot of people are misusing water as if it's for free so I hope this increase will stop them from this misfortune. Second, although I want people to stop misusing the water, I also feel sorry for those families who have very little income in their pockets so I hope God gives the Government and SWA a better solution to make it fair for everyone.
I was shocked the moment I heard about the increase in the water rate. To be honest, 90 per cent of the families in Samoa, who mostly live in the rural areas, have very little money to pay for water bill and that also includes my family. So that means having to increase the water rate will cause more struggle for families who are striving day and night to find money to pay their water bills. Life is getting more and more expensive so I hope the Government would have a little consideration of the struggles we're facing these days.
Personally I think the increase would be a better option for those, who are using water to manage the usage of water because as for us, we do not have water but we feel that majority are just not valuing the essence of water in our lives. We know how important water is because we do not have full access to the water. We supply our water from our neighbors but then again, I fully support the increase of water rate so people can start learning how to use water wisely and think of us, the poor families who do not have access to the water.
To compare from the current water rate to however high they will increase it to, I think it's appropriate to increase the water rate so it can also help out the water managers (S.W.A) to equally supply the water throughout the country. But, I also recommend that they consider the situation of the people. Some people does not have much money to pay for the water bills, even with the current water rate. So I suggest they increase it only in a way that can teach the careless people of the unwise usage of water, but not so high in a way that it can cause more problems to the families who are trying to earn. That is my only concern.
For me, I think it's both advantages and disadvantages when I think about it. First, it's a very good option or way to manage the usage of water wisely by some other people. Some people are always careless with the usage of water. Sometimes I will always check my water bill and it's either normal or shockingly speeds up to an unexpected bill and it's because the people are careless in using water. Second, it's not fair for us paying the water, when we think about those who are not paying water. They do not care about how much water they use because they're not even paying a single cent for it. That's my only concern for the water rate increase.