Malua Bible school launched in Auckland
The 26th of February 2022 has been marked as a day of significance for the Congregational Christian Church Samoa (C.C.C.S.) in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
On this day a long-time dream of the C.C.C.S. leaders and members in New Zealand became a reality with the launching of the Malua Bible School in Auckland, New Zealand.
The launching was attended Reverend Elders and church ministers from the different districts (Matagaluega) in New Zealand, while the Chairman of the Malua Theological College (M.T.C.) Board, who is also the Chairman of the Elders Committiee, Reverend Elder Asotasi Gu Time, joined virtually along with the C.C.C.S Secretary, Reverend Vavatau Taufao and the Principal of M.T.C., Reverend Dr. Vaitusi Nofoaiga and staff of the theological college.
Reverend Elder Va'aelua Patu officiated at the ceremony with Reverend Dr. Eperone Futi the master of ceremony.
The Chairman of the Board of the M.T.C., Reverend Elder Asotasi Gu Time, spoke on behalf of the church to congratulate the Committee in New Zealand for the milestone.
"This is something that was ignited from within the church by its members to expand and spread the gospel and teachings of our Lord," said Reverend Elder Time.
"It's something that we have been wanting to happen and the Lord has offered this opportunity, in his timing for this dream to come alive.
"A sword has two edges but a torch will continue to shine and conquer the darkness, therefore on behalf of the Board of Malua, we express our gratitude to those who have worked tirelessly to make this happen.
"I truly believe that the success of our work within the church isn't measured in the numbers of members, or wealth, and who was the first to be established.
"The true success in measured in how the gospel has grown from strength to strength."
Reverend Elder Time also wished the C.C.C.S. community in Aotearoa all the best as they embark on the new journey following the commissioning of the school.
The Chairman of the Malua Bible School organising committee in New Zealand, Reverend Talia Tapaleao of the C.C.C.S. Manurewa, delivered an emotional speech on behalf of the organising committee about the path they took to get to where they are today.
Reverend Talia said that it was unfortunate that the launching happened at a time where the Samoan community in N.Z. were living with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, though he was still grateful that God had opened the opportunity for them to carry out a dream they have had for such a long time.
"The Lord called upon the C.C.C.S. to be the light of Christ in Samoa," said Reverend Tapaleao. "In the year 1962, the first ever branch of the C.C.C.S. was established in New Zealand as the foundation of his gospel here in N.Z.
"Today, is one of the most significant dates in the history of the C.C.C.S. church in New Zealand."
Reverend Tapaleao then fought to hold back tears as he noted his appreciation for the service the Malua Theological College has provided, in not only nurturing the missionaries and church ministers to spread the gospel across, but also in "empowering" the C.C.C.S. members with bible studies through the Malua Bible School.
Sharing the biblical teachings that is being taught within the theological college is one of the objectives of the initiatives, said Reverend Tapaleao.
According to Reverend Tapaleao, the first proposal or requests for a branch of the Malua Bible School overseas was made in the year 2010, after the Malua Bible School was established in 2008.
The request was made by the Manukau district during the Annual Malua Conference in 2010.
Follow up questions and requests from the different parishes in New Zealand, it was presented during the Annual Conference in 2020.
Since then, the elders of the different C.C.C.S. parishes in New Zealand appointed a Committee to prepare and look into the establishment of the Malua Bible School in New Zealand.
By the end of 2021 Reverend Tapaleao said the Committe members in New Zealand had met more than six times with the Principal and Staff of Malua Theological College.
The Committee compromise of: Reverend Elder Va'aelua Patu, Reverend Elder Pouniu Fa'amausili, Reverend Dr. Peniamina Leota, Reverend Dr. Eperone Futi, Reverend Dr. Sesera Tolova'a, Reverend Dr. Featuna'i Liua'ana, Reverend Victor Pouesi, Reverend Iosefa Tiata, Reverend Talia Tapaleao.
One of the mantras behind the initiative, according to Reverend Tapaleao, is to equip and empower the members of the church with the word of God.
"This will further their knowledge and understanding of the teachings (from the bible). This is will help our Sunday School teachers, Youth leaders and members, laid preachers and the rest of our members."
The Malua Bible School in New Zealand will start with the Certificate of Theology for C.C.C.S. members only. There will be no registration fee and the teachers who have offered to start and carry out the courses will not be paid as well.
The teachers who have offered their service are: Reverend Dr. Peniamina Leota, Reverend Dr. Featuna'i Liuaana, Reverend Dr. Eperone Futi, Reverend Dr. Sesera Tolova'a, Reverend Dr. Ma'afala Lima, Reverend Filemoni Crawley, Reverend Victor Pouesi, Reverend Dr. Imoa Maua Setefano, Reverend Tafesilafa’i Lavasi’i, Penitala Kolose, Reverend Elder Tautiaga Senara and Reverend Talia Tapaleao.
So far a total of 32 have already been registered for the Malua Bible School in New Zealand.
The Malua Bible School Committee also extended appreciation to the Chairman of the C.C.C.S. church, Reverend Elder Iosefa Atapana Uilelea and the Executive of the church, as well as the Board of Malua and staff at M.T.C. for their ongoing support and prayers.