Catholic youth gather at Leauvaa

A thousand members of the Catholic youth of Samoa gathered at Leauvaa on Monday to commemorate the "Week of the Youth of Samoa" in a bid to deepen their faith and spiritual life.
The program is currently being run at Leauvaa which commenced on Monday and will conclude on Friday with the activities revolving around the theme "youth and their calling".
In an interview with the Samoa Observer on Tuesday, the Director of the Catholic Youth in Samoa Rev. Fr. Iuliano Losi Numia said one of the focus of the program is for the youth to listen to the whispers of the holy spirit with its guidance leading them to use their lives for the calling of the church.
He referred to one of the teachings of the Bible, which says that there is plenty harvest but the workers are few and he pointed towards the focus of the programme for the youth to listen to the whispers of the holy spirit as they may one day be servants of the Lord to preach his word by becoming a priest, deacon or a nun or by having a family.
He added that some of the youth have received the whispers of the Holy Spirit but are yet to answer.
This led to various nuns and priests of the church visiting the youth at Leauvaa on Tuesday to give presentations and testimonies as to why they were encouraged to take heed of the calling.
Events dedicated to the Catholic youth of Samoa is held every four years and was last held in 2018. It would usually see the visiting of Catholic youth from overseas such as countries like New Zealand, Australia, America, American Samoa and Tokelau.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic only the Catholic youth of Samoa are participating in the programme.
Rev. Fr. Iuliano's advice to the younger generation is to prioritise their youth.
"You are the future of your family, church, and villages, and the future of countries. If you prepare well during your youth right now, then you will be successful in life," he said.
"The youth are facing a lot of problems nowadays. A lot of the youth have distanced themselves from the Lord.
"When there is Mass on Sunday, the youth don't feel like holding the Bible and go to Mass or church service on Sunday.
"It seems they feel like it's better to stay home and cook for the family [...], but by attending Mass and church services, listen to the Word of the Lord you will receive a good message that will guide you in your life."
Rev. Fr. Iuliano had also lamented the fact that some youth have no respect for their parents and those who have appointments within the church.
"Don't waste your life, don't waste your youth. What is the use of your parents raising you but you waste your youthful years in prison?" he said.
"Use your life to take care of your parents, take care of your family and use your youth for callings in the church."