Vaimauga College to fundraise for new hall

The Vaimauga College Committee is joining forces with its Old Pupils and Parents and Teachers Associations to raise funds to build a new school hall.
The last time the college had its school hall built was 60 years ago according to the College Committee Chairman Leniu Vainiu Te’o.
“We have come together for this important project for the school, the executive committee, Parents and Teachers Association as well as Vaimauga College Old Pupils Association for ex-students who have used to go to Vaimauga,” he said.
“We have prepared in terms of seeking financial assistance from the community, especially the Vaimauga District so that a new hall could be built for the school.”
Leniu said a fundraising event will be held this Friday 4 June with the different college-connected associations combining their efforts to raise the funds necessary to build a new school hall.
He said the college’s committee had already approached a number of organisations including the private sector to make financial pledges to support the college’s fundraising efforts.
"Some private organisations have answered our proposal so we are thankful for their assistance but that does not stop the Committee, Parents and Teachers Association, Old Pupils Association and the principal and staff from seeking more financial help,” he added.
The fundraising target is $500,000 according to Leniu and they are hoping the college is able to work towards reaching that target in their first fundraising this Friday.
This Friday’s fundraising event is critical to putting in place the foundation to reach their fundraising targeting, said the event organiser Fofogamua Sailo Tulifau.
“The whole programme has already been scheduled for Friday in which the students will also be involved as well so we have asked the community for their support, as for the Committee we encourage the support not only from our members.
“But also from our districts it's a combination of more villages so we seek assistance in order to build a new hall for our school.”
Since the establishment of the college, the absence of a proper hall for the school to hold its assembly as well as for student outdoor activities, has been a deterrent to the learning environment.
Vaimauga College Principal, Fuimaono Tovio Taefu said the school is very grateful for the project that has now been planned, in order for the school to build a new hall for the students.
"Since the school started throughout its history we haven't had a school hall, which is one of the most important places for every school to have for gatherings when we have guests,” he said.
“And everything that is important to the school all takes place at the hall so the project which is now in progress we are very thankful to the executive Committee, Parents and Teachers Association, ex-students of Vaimauga College as well as the Vaimauga districts for this great initiatives for students.
"Building a new school hall will make it easier for the school to have its outdoor activities taking place, in the meantime we have our school assemblies under one of the trees within the school compound.
“But when we have guests it's not a proper way for us to greet them, we also acknowledge the continuous support of parents and families through the past years, their support has led to many successful results and the students' results from their school work have been great.”
Vaimauga College is located at Faatoia and is attended by more than 550 students who came from over 10 different villages, who are each represented in the committee that is overseeing the fundraising this Friday.
Tickets and corporate tables are available for those who want to support the college which in turn will provide entertainment courtesy of the students on Friday. All the donations and money raised this Friday will go to the fund for the new hall.