Women growers urged to nominate for organic farming award
The Samoa Women’s Association of Growers (S.W.A.G.) is encouraging its farmers to apply for a new award that recognises the world's best innovations in organic farming.
The Organic Farming Innovation Award (O.F.I.A.) was established to seek out outstanding ideas and practices in organic farming, particularly those which have the greatest impact.
The President of S.W.A.G., Shelley Burich, a vanilla farmer and owner of Vaoala Vanilla, said the organisation has a number of farmers in the mix for recognition who are great candidates.
The association numbers 50 with women comprising 95 percent of S.W.A.G. membership.
S.W.A.G. is among a small group of non-government organisations in Samoa that advocate for organic agriculture and farming, said Ms. Burich.
“S.W.A.G. is one of a small group of N.G.O.s based in Samoa who can say they fully promote and advocate for organic agriculture and natural farming,” she said.
“The uptake of practicing organic and natural farming in Samoa has been slow and is actually on the decline because of the high use of chemical pesticides and herbicides by local farmers and growers for a faster harvest.”
The women growers are helping to change that mindset by sharing new farming methods and natural pesticide control with other farmers.
“S.W.A.G. farmers and growers are making a difference and helping to change this mindset by showing how innovative and resourceful they are when it comes to pest control, and sharing that knowledge with others,” said Ms. Burich.
“We have a number of innovative farmers and growers in our mix who we believe would make great candidates for this award and we encourage them to consider applying. S.W.A.G. is more than willing to assist in the application process for any of its members who might wish to apply.”
As for the question of whether her own company will apply, Ms. Burich says she is sitting on the fence.
“I am not that sure that I am that innovative in thinking of a brand new concept. However, I do try different natural and organic pesticide use and my own composting, mulching and feeding and always encourage this method to new vanilla farmers and people who are interested in vanilla,” she said.
Vaoala Vanilla sells a range of vanilla products including vanilla extract, vanilla syrup, vanilla beans, and vanilla cuttings.
The company prides itself on being an indigenous and ethical small scale business producing premium organic vanilla beans and products.
All vanilla products are 100 percent produced and packaged in Samoa, remaining true and steadfast to using age-old growing and processing techniques. Everything is hand-pollinated, hand-processed, and hand-made, the company explains on its Facebook page.
It is family-owned with a mission of becoming the country's leading vanilla industry maker.
Ms. Burich believes says S.W.A.G. members should overcome any sense of modesty to apply for the honour.
“Sometimes we limit ourselves from applying for such awards because we undervalue our capabilities and the work we do when we think of global farming groups...S.W.A.G. invites its members to consider applying for this award,” she said.
The link to the award application has been circulated among S.W.A.G. members.
The O.F.I.A. ceremony will be held at the 20th Organic World Congress in September 2021 in Rennes, France.
The deadline for applications is 1 April, 2021.
Organic farming is a technique, which involves the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals only through the use of man-made products with an emphasis on minimising pollution and environmental damage.