Prison opening delays Court matters

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 29 June 2019, 2:00PM

Court proceedings at Mulinu’u had to be postponed to allow the Judges to attend the opening of the new multi-million tala prison at Tanumalala on Friday morning.

Members of the public who gathered at the District and Supreme Court to have their matters heard and others who were there to support their relatives scheduled for sentencing were informed of the postponement. 

Staff of the Ministry of Justice and Courts Administration and Police officers apologised to members of the public informing them of the cancellation.

Relatives of detainees had asked if the matters will be called later on the day, but were told by the officials that they did not know. 

Several others at the Court had travelled from Savai’i to give evidence in a matter before the District Court. 

There were no official notices on the doors of the Court house to inform members of the public of the cancellation of the proceedings. 

Contacted for a comment, M.J.C.A. Acting Chief Executive Officer, Leota Pelenato Paulo could not give a definite answer if the proceedings were canceled for the rest of the day.

Leota added the invitation for the Judges to attend the opening must have been an arrangement with the Samoa Prisons and Corrections Services.

He added there are matters that will be called later on in the afternoon. 

One of those matters is a business dispute between senior Members of Parliament, La'aulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao and others against Peseta Vaifou Tevaga.  

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 29 June 2019, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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