Still on time, Savalalo Market ready in August

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 12 February 2025, 12:00PM

The $30 million Savalalo Market works will finish in August this year as forecasted during the groundbreaking said Zheng Construction Site Engineer Vinnie Lei Sam.

The foundation has been laid and the team has moved on to the next phase of construction. 

Lei Sam refuted claims of delays in their work due to water sipping from underground. She confirmed that so far, they are on time with their schedule. 

"The project is set to be done in August 2025, so it's 15 or 16 months and because we started late last year the finish date is August. But we are working according to our schedule," she said. 

"If we need a time extension, we'll ask for one. But for now, I think we're okay, but it all depends on the weather, material supply and shipment. Samoa Land Corporation has been very good to us. But if there is a delay then it would be the factors that I have mentioned earlier."

The site engineer said when they started construction the site was water-logged.

"With every construction building, I think that happens when you hit the water table, there was water in here, but we drained it out. I think it was just the water table, the natural water underground but we managed to drain it," she said. 

"We had pumps. However, it wasn't a big issue, as you know you do encounter water tables, which is the natural water under, so we drain it out. Once you begin to backfill, it will naturally seep back into the earth."

According to Lei Sam, if an extension is required, it will be at no additional cost except for the time. 

During the groundbreaking ceremony in March last year, it was announced that the New Zealand and Samoan government-funded project would cost $24.9 million. In May, the figure was increased to $30 million.

"Usually when we seek a time extension, it's because of material delays, or a cyclone. We don't charge any extra cost for it. We just ask for more time within the time given. We already know that well, every contract accounts for these time delays. We put in the cost and stuff, but yes if we do seek an extension is time only. We've already experienced delays with our supplies. The ships were really late this time around. If there is a time delay, it won't be an excessive amount, it'll just be because of one shipment. That's the downfall of relying on these overseas supplies. We only got our first shipment last week, and that was three weeks late."

Currently the foundation of the Tuisavalalo market is complete. They will begin putting out the columns of the house, then the roofs. After the building is up, then they will move to the internal finishes. 

"The internal finishes schedule is a bit tight because of CHOGM, holidays, slow down of supplies of our materials.But so far were right on schedule."

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 12 February 2025, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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