Banishment a concern says mayors
The increasing number of youths banned from villages for petty crimes is a concern, according to village mayors where the youths have relocated.
Some villages do not accept people banished from their villages. Concerns were raised that youths banished from their villages were resorting to criminal behaviour.
There were also concerns that some villages have bylaws that do not make sense and punish youth for minor offences.
Fainuulelei Felise of Lepea said their village does not accept youth or people who are banned from their villages and want to live in their village.
Fainuulelei said Lepea village which also include Seesee and Tuanaimato has guidelines that the village council always follows for penalties.
He said Lepea does not believe in banishment unless a person commits a serious crime like sexual violation or rape and murder. He said then banishment and heavy penalties will be imposed by the village to such person.
Fainuulelei said Lepea penalises youth who break village rules by letting them serve the community for the village or faifeaus in the village.
The same strategy was echoed by the village mayor of Mulifanua, Ifopo Matia Fritz Jahnje.
He said their village also does not believe in banishment. He said they punish the youths in a manner that they will learn what he or she did is not acceptable.
Mulifanua also puts youth who break village rules to work at families’ plantations or at the faifeaus.
Their village also only uses banishment and heavier penalties if a person commits a serious crime that ruins the reputation of the village.
Samoa Victim Support Group President Siliniu Lina Chang also raised concern when a young man approached them for assistance, he was banned from his village but was asked to provide 100 pigs and $1000.