Work on new bus shelters begin

By Faith Leapai 04 October 2024, 1:00PM

Work has started to construct new bus shelters at the Savalalo Bus Terminal have started and new look structures are being in place of the old ones.

Most of the shelter at the bus terminal fell due to strong winds and another section fell when a bus reversed into a post. These incidents took place in July.

Commuters and vendors who had been using the shelter were left at the mercy of the elements after the shelters fell. 

Members of the public are looking forward to the new bus shelters and hope that it would be completed soon.

Nusi Perefoti, 40 from Fasito’o-uta said he was happy that fast action was taken by the ministry responsible to put up the shelters.

“Regarding the new formation, from what I can see, it is lovely and really safe. I know it isn't complete yet, but it will be in excellent shape” he added.

“Being a permanent resident of the area, I am well aware of the necessity of bus shelters for the citizens of our nation, particularly during inclement weather when they provide the only available location for refuge.”

Sauaso Ta’ileuo Tupuola Logo Hunt, 66 from Sa’aga Siumu also said bus shelters were important infrastructure for the public.

“We extend our sincere gratitude to the government for their thoughtful creation of this initiative, which aids the citizens of our nation who are searching for a secure location to board buses and travel home safely,” she said.

“It's fortunate that the government realised that the bus shelter needed to be fixed for travellers to find a place to board buses when traveling the nation."

The Land Transport Authority is currently responsible for renewing bus shelters in Apia. Questions have been sent to LTA to seek clarification on the cost of the new shelters were and who had been awarded the contract.

The Savalalo Bus Terminal is one of the busiest areas in the Apia township which engages traffic from all walks of life including school children.

By Faith Leapai 04 October 2024, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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