Mongoose captured

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 25 August 2024, 7:00AM

An immediate and thorough investigation is underway to determine how a mongoose, recently spotted in Vaitele and captured, made its way into Samoa. 

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) has issued a public alert, urging residents to be particularly vigilant. 

The M.N.R.E. statement underscores the significant threat of such invasive species on Samoa’s fragile ecosystems.

On Thursday, August 22, 2024, the Samoa Water Authority's Vaitele office notified the M.N.R.E. of a suspected mongoose sighting within their compound. 

Recognising the serious potential threat this poses to Samoa's unique biodiversity, the MNRE-DEC (Division of Environment and Conservation) team promptly mobilised. 

They coordinated with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), specifically the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Management Support Service (PRISMSS), to obtain technical guidance and necessary equipment.

By 6:48 pm on the same day, the team had successfully captured a large mongoose, which is suspected to be female. 

Further examination is underway to confirm its sex and species. 

The M.N.R.E.'s statement highlights the gravity of the situation, noting that mongooses are notorious for causing the extinction of ground-nesting bird species worldwide. 

They pose a significant risk to Samoa’s environment, potentially threatening native birds, the Pacific Boa, other reptiles, and even sea turtle eggs.

The M.N.R.E., in partnership with key stakeholders, is dedicated to preventing this invasive species from establishing a presence in Samoa. 

The ministry has reassured the public that efforts to locate and capture any additional mongooses will continue. Mongooses are small, carnivorous mammals characterised by their elongated bodies, round ears, short legs, and long, tapering tails. 

They are often unintentionally transported through shipping containers and vessels.

The M.N.R.E. extends its gratitude to the Samoa Water Authority for their prompt notification and to SPREP-PRISMSS for their invaluable support.

The Ministry calls on the public, especially those living in the Vaitele area, to remain vigilant. Any sightings of mongooses or unfamiliar animals should be reported to the MNRE at +685 67200.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 25 August 2024, 7:00AM
Samoa Observer

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