Faleapuna gets in the CHOGM spirit

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 13 September 2024, 2:00PM

The village of Faleapuna continues to prepare for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting despite not hosting a country. 

In an interview with Samoa Observer the women's representative, Lipena Sefo Pasui said the spirit of CHOGM was very much alive in their village.

"We have just started our preparations and we understand that CHOGM is a big event for our small country. This is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we don't know if we will live to see another big event like this, so, why not make the most of it," she said.

"This a blessing for us, we are not hosting a particular country but in the spirit of CHOGM we just decided to do it.

"We are not hosting any country but in the spirit of our Samoan culture of hospitality we decided to prepare and clean our village."

She believes the event is not for a particular individual, community or village, it is for the betterment of Samoa, and as the host nation, everyone must stand together and ensure that we stick to making our Samoa beautiful.

"Our village is small but we try our best to collect our women's committee with our untitled men, as well as our village council to come and join the cause to support our Government and our country to host this event."

"Our village has its funds but probably just a small amount of that money is contributed to this preparation. But our group called ADRA which we are a part of is lending a shoulder to our village to support this. I think probably $500 has already been used."

"We aim to complete all our preparations before the meeting starts. The hope is that when the people arrive for the meetings, they will be able to see how beautiful our village is and our Samoa as well."

Her only hope is that the event will run smoothly without any hiccups, and be fruitful for all the nations who would be part of such a prestigious event. She prays that the event will end on a high note without any accidents.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 13 September 2024, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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