Lands looks for boss

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 08 July 2024, 1:00PM

The Samoa Public Service Commission has announced the vacancy of the top position in the newly established Ministry of Land and Survey. 

Candidates interested in this role have until 25 July to submit their applications and should be directed to the Chairman of the Public Service Commission.

Meanwhile, it is understood that employees of the Land Surveyor division, previously part of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (M.N.R.E.), were given notice to start packing and relocate to the Samoa Land Corporation (S.L.C.) office in Tuana'imato.

The new ministry will consist of all land-related entities previously managed by the S.L.C., Samoa Trust Estate Corporation (S.T.E.C.), and M.N.R.E.

In an earlier interview, the Chief Executive Officer of S.L.C., Ulugia Petelo Kavesi, confirmed that all major assets of the soon-to-be deregistered S.L.C. will be transferred to the new ministry.

S.L.C. was responsible for overseeing the markets in Vaitele and Salelologa Savaii, the waterfront project including the construction of the new Savalalo Market, the Golf Course at Tuanaimato, and Tivoli Hotel at Moto’otua.

“I believe the assets (S.L.C.) will be transferred under the new Ministry of Lands and Survey but the Government might have other plans,” Ulugia added. 

“The merger is for all land assets under S.L.C., S.T.E.C. and M.N.R.E. to be housed under the newly established Ministry.  

“For your information, all state assets normally come under the Ministry of Finance but we will find out, we are preparing for when the deregistration will take effect.” 

Currently, three Government entities handle state land and have different mandates and Ministers to report to. 

The S.L.C. was governed by a Board of Directors and the reconstruction of the then Western Samoa Trust Estate Corporation (W.E.S.T.E.C.) in 1990 resulted in the Government settling all the W.E.S.T.E.C. debt and control of about 24,000 acres of land. 

S.L.C. was then set up in the same year under the Companies Act to divest the 24,000 acres and recover the funds used to pay off W.E.S.T.E.C. debt as well as to generate revenue for government developments. 

The Deputy Leader of Opposition Lauofo Fonotoe Pierre voiced significant concerns over the establishment and operational transitions of new government ministries and authorities.

During the budget debate, Lauofo Fonotoe highlighted key issues regarding the reorganisation of government bodies.

He called for legislative measures to formally establish the roles and functions of these new entities, emphasising the need for clarity and legal framework. 

Regarding the new Ministry of Lands and Survey, which incorporates the Samoa Land Corporation (S.L.C.) and the Samoa Trust Estates Corporation (S.T.E.C.), Lauofo Fonotoe cautioned against potential contradictions in their mandates under a unified ministry.

Lauofo expressed concern that this reorganisation might conflict with the original mandates of these corporations, noting that SL.C. .operates under the Companies Act, S.T.E.C. has its governing legislation, and the Land Board currently falls under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE).

He proposed drafting legislation to formally establish this new Ministry. He also urged the government to take into consideration the impact this will have on staff members, given that these distinct entities will be consolidated under one umbrella organisation.

The establishment of these new ministries and authorities, announced by Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa last year, forms a central part of the $1.15 billion budget under current parliamentary review. 

In his budget address, the Minister of Finance, Lautimuia Uelese Vaai said to effectively capture the whole of Government lands under one framework, a new Ministry of Lands and Survey will be established effective July 2024 with the separation of related functions from the existing Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Lands currently managed by the Samoa Land Corporation (SLC) and the Samoa Trust Estates Corporation (STEC) will be transferred to the new Ministry of Lands and Survey in the upcoming fiscal year once the Ministry of Public Enterprises completes the winding up process.

The Ministry of Lands and Survey has a budget allocation of $8.5 million, with $2.9 million earmarked for operational expenses and $5.6 million designated for state transactions.

Additionally, the new Ministry of Sports and Recreations is slated for establishment in the forthcoming financial year. 

Finance Minister Lautimuia informed Parliament of plans to wind up the Samoa Sports Facilities Authority, with its functions to be integrated into this new ministry in the subsequent fiscal year. The Ministry of Sports and Recreations (M.S.R.) has been allocated $8.2 million, including $2 million from its own funds, $3.2 million as a government grant to the SSFA for third-party outputs, and $2.9 million for state transactions.

Furthermore, consultations are underway for the establishment of the Samoa Exports Authority (S.E.A.) under a new financial year initiative. According to the primary budget document, a total of  $1.2 million has been allocated for the establishment of the S.E.A.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 08 July 2024, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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