Papali'i reappointed as Deputy Commissioner
The nation’s highest ranking female police officer, Deputy Police Commissioner Papāli’i Monalisa Tia’i–Keti will continue in her post for three more years after her contract was renewed.
In its meeting this week, the Cabinet endorsed the re-appointment of Papāli’i.
Papāli’i has served with the Ministry of Police, Prisons and Correction Services for 20 years since 2004 and she has held the position of Deputy Police Commissioner since her initial appointment in 2018.
Her experience in the field and years of service combined with her academic qualifications prove pivotal to the success of her reinstatement in her contribution to the role and the development of the Ministry.
She holds a Certificate of Completion in Executive Leadership Program from the Australia Federal Police, Certificate IV Training and Assessment from the Canberra Institute of Technology in Australia, Certificate IV in Frontline Management from the Australia Maritime College, Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Waikato in New Zealand, Bachelor of Law and Professional Diploma in Legal Practice from the University of the South Pacific and a Masters in Transnational Crime Unit from the University of Wollongong in Australia.
Papalii has also served in overseas missions notably in the Solomon Islands under the RAMSI.