Heseti reappointed as insurance boss

By Shalveen Chand 21 February 2024, 8:28PM

The Cabinet reappointed Heseti Sione Vaai as the Chief Executive Officer of Samoa Life Assurance Corporation for another three years.

The reappointment was announced by the Cabinet on Wednesday afternoon.

Heseti has been a public servant for over 30 years.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts; Majoring in Accounting and Financial Management and Minor in Economics from the University of the South Pacific in Suva Fiji coupled with a Diploma in Business from the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.

A graduate of Samoa College and the National University of Samoa, she began her public service career with the Audit Office in 1991. Six years later she moved to the Samoa Water Authority.

She remained with the SWA for 23 years until 2020 when she was appointed as the Insurance Corporations Chief Executive.

This will be her second term.

By Shalveen Chand 21 February 2024, 8:28PM
Samoa Observer

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