Study reveals why Samoans migrate

A survey done for the first time to find out why Samoans migrate overseas for work revealed a majority of them leave for family reasons and marriage to live abroad for at least six months.
The Samoa Labour Force and Child Labour Survey 2022 included the new module on returned migrant workers in its findings that was officially launched last week. Samoa Bureau of Statistics carried out the work as part of its major data collection activities implemented under the core programme to meet the needs of its users reflected in its Samoa Statistics Strategy 2022 – 2026.
The survey reported a total of 7,934 persons who lived abroad for at least six months majority of them were males in the age group of 25 to 64 years.
Additionally, 94.6 per cent of the figure are those from the rural areas compared to only 5.4 per cent from the urban area.
A table shows that the various reasons why Samoans lived abroad for at least six months confirm 5,446 of them or 68.8 per cent noted family reasons and marriage as the reason for migration.
This was followed by 19.5 per cent or 1,544 persons who took up a job offer and 0.1 per cent said natural disasters and climate change were the main reasons for travelling abroad.
The report provides key information and insight into certain and pertinent labour force indicators such as employment, unemployment, labour underutilisation, and child labour amongst others.
The Minister of Women Community and Social Development (MWCSD), Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molioo encouraged Government entities and civil society to formulate policies to foster social harmony given the volatility of the economy due to certain economic shocks from time to time.