Velda's sweet success after an emotional journey

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 07 December 2023, 7:00AM

When Velda Leo Fuifui was named the top student of Vaimauga College on Wednesday, there were two people she wanted to see in the crowd. 

Her grandmother who passed away, the late Mariavine Fuamai and her father Leo Fuifui who was sick and could not attend her graduation. 

This had her in tears as she hoped for her loved ones to witness the fruit of her labour and the answer to their prayers. 

She described her journey at Vaimauga College on Wednesday as emotional and challenging; however, she is ecstatic for the next chapter of her academic life. 

Being the top student in her final year was a life-long dream for the 16-year-old from Leauva'a. 

"I worked really hard just to make my parents and family proud," Ms. Leo said. 

"I was surprised when I became aware that I am the top student for this year because I was ranked second after our mid-year exams. It was also tough for me to get back on my feet but I knew the only way to get to the top was to work hard and dedicate my time to my studies."

She then dedicated her success to her "prayer-warriors". 

"I dedicate this milestone to my grandmother who passed away and could not be here in person to witness and celebrate this achievement with us. 

"She was my prayer-warrior and the cornerstone of our family. She believed in me and inspired me to keep striving for the best. I know her prayers kept me going. 

"I also dedicate this to my hardworking father who worked so hard to provide for us ands made sure we had food to eat and pushed us to work and study hard. 

"I know all the sacrifices he made for us and I hope I made him proud. I will also not forget my family who have been very supportive and who have helped me get to where I am today."

Reflecting on her journey in Vaimauga College, the aspiring teacher said it was quite a roller coaster for her. She said she will always remember the values and the lessons she learned during her time at the school. 

Well aware that the next step of her academic journey is going to be tough, Ms. Leo said she is looking forward to the challenges and will keep doing her best to make her family and school proud. 

"I know it's not going to be easy. As we come to the end of this chapter, it also marks the beginning of what lies ahead. I understand that transitioning from college to university is going to be very different and challenging, but I am ready for the next chapter. 

"I encountered a lot of difficulties this year, but I made it and I also hope to continue on to the next with the same passion, dedication and mentality. 

"My aim is to become a teacher so I can nurture the future generation of Samoa. I want to major in Samoan and English as language and linguistic is very useful. 

"I will study hard so I can fulfil my dreams."

She thanked everyone who has helped her right from the start and for being there for her on Wednesday. 

As the top student of Vaimauga College for this year, Ms. Leo's message to returning students of the college is to "work hard".

"I worked hard; I believed in myself and it paid off. Today, I am very happy and overwhelmed. But I am also humbled at the same time and I thank God for his blessings."

Her proud mother, Silia Fuifui Leo was speechless. 

She expressed how happy she was for her daughter's results and said they will continue to support her as she prepares for university next year. 

"There were challenges and with all the things we had to endure this year, God has answered our prayers and we owe it all to him," Mrs. Leo said. 

"Any parent wants what's best for their children and nothing is more pleasing and satisfying than seeing them excel in all that they do. 

"Throughout this year, we did not ask her to do a lot of chores. She spent a lot of time studying and did not spend time with the family. There were times I was mad at her for not helping out with chores at home. 

"But I guess her dedication has paid off and I am proud of her. 

"As parents, we send them to school so they can succeed and get a good job in the future. We will keep pushing her to continue on being a good girl and get good grades."

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 07 December 2023, 7:00AM
Samoa Observer

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