International students bound for Samoa

By Gutu Faasau 03 November 2023, 9:00AM

There will be 140 International students travelling to Samoa for a change in classroom scenery to better understand the human impact of climate change on the environment and the search for solutions.

Dr. Sarah Gosper from Monash University in Australia leads the program called the Global Immersion Guarantee which will be running for the first time in Samoa this year. 

“We are partnering with the University of the South Pacific to deliver this program for 70 students in November and January,” she said. 

The Global Immersion Guarantee (GIG) Program is a two-week program, which is designed to help students understand the human impact on the environment, according to the Australian academic. She said the program also opens up the opportunity for its participants to learn from "local experts" about how to best develop responses and solutions to some of these key challenges. 

“Across the two weeks, students will attend seminars and panel discussions and visit field sites that complement the learning in the classroom. The key theme of the Samoa program is food security and agriculture. 

"The overarching theme of the GIG program is around climate change and sustainability and in each country this broad theme is further refined to suit the local context.

“We have the two groups in November and January and we anticipate this being a long-term initiative and hope to continue bringing students in the following years.” 

Students will be equipped with the skills, knowledge and networks they will need to engage with Samoa and around the Pacific as they enter into their careers.

GIG is a funded overseas experience program for all Monash University students at the end of their first year of study. As part of the program, students can travel to one of eight selected destinations in the world and this year the students chose Samoa.

By Gutu Faasau 03 November 2023, 9:00AM
Samoa Observer

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