Samoa health system under the lens

By Talaia Mika 02 November 2023, 6:00AM

Samoa's health system could be heading towards an upgrade to give better services to the public as an evaluation of the nation's health practices is underway. 

The International Health Regulations (2005) Joint External Evaluation (J.E.E.) is currently being conducted by international and local experts.

The evaluation is one of the four components of the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF) developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in collaboration with partners to address the recommendation of the IHR Review Committee on Second Extensions for Establishing National Public Health Capacities and on IHR Implementation to combined self-assessment, peer review and voluntary external evaluations involving both local and independent experts.

Minister of Health, Valasi Tafito Selesele said the tools under the monitoring and evaluation framework including the J.E.E can be used to identify areas to further build, strengthen and maintain the capacity required under the International Health Regulations (2005) and this was recommended at the 74th World Health Assembly.

"Samoa’s decision to engage in the Joint External Evaluation process is a first for the nation and the South Pacific region, underscoring the country’s readiness to fortify its health systems and emphasizing its commitment to global health security," he stressed.

"Samoa’s participation sets a precedent for a Whole of Government, ONE Health approach, supporting collective strength and unity towards improved health security in the areas of Human Health, Animal Health and Environment Health. 

He added that the initiative will help strengthen the combined commitment to enhancing One Health approach to health security, locally and globally. 

"The findings and recommendations from this Joint External Evaluation will serve as an important resource for updating and revising the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS), prioritizing opportunities for enhanced preparedness, operational readiness, system response and public health actions," he added.

"The findings will also help the country to implement the Asia Pacific Health Security Action Framework (APHSAF) presented to the 74th Regional Committee for the Western Pacific for discussion and adaptation in October 2023. 

"This new framework aims to build stronger and more resilient systems across health and other sectors in countries and areas to protect the health and well-being of the population. 

"Active ownership and strong leadership will foster accountability, compel the commitment of resources, and ensure the execution of devised strategies to their fullest potential. The full commitment from all relevant stakeholders, including government departments, is essential for a smooth process."

The participation of all relevant stakeholders according to Valasi ensures a comprehensive and inclusive approach to enhancing health frameworks and systems. 

He added that the initiative will not only identify areas for improvement but also about seeing that these improvements are made, and progress is measured. 

"Therefore, ownership of this process endures Samoa will continue to monitor and evaluate progress post-JEE," he said.

The Minister explained that the J.E.E is one of the four components of the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF). 

"Enhancing public health preparedness and response capacity is a shared responsibility, and as such, Samoa’s ownership of the JEE process once again reinforces its commitment to contributing to global health security," he said.

"By owning this process, Samoa is paving the way towards creating a culture of continuous public health system strengthening that is sustainable and beneficial for future generations. 

"I would like to acknowledge the support of the World Bank in making this possible and also the continuous technical assistance of the World Health Organization."

The J.E.E will be carried out throughout this week at Taumeasina Island Resort keeping local health specialists busy and occupied.

By Talaia Mika 02 November 2023, 6:00AM
Samoa Observer

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