Taxi drivers question L.T.A. fare caution

By Talaia Mika 02 August 2023, 11:00PM

Land Transport Authority (L.T.A.) has advised buses and taxis that passenger fares remain unchanged but the public notice has not gone down well with operators. 

In a public notice issued on Wednesday this week, the L.T.A. said it has noticed that taxi and bus drivers have not complied by charging the correct fares, based on several complaints received from the passengers.

"We hereby advise that the fares have not changed for these services as is the case since the year 2014," the L.T.A. notice reads. "We advise taxi stands and bus companies that non-compliance to these lawful fare prices will cost your business (and companies), taxis and buses."

But the L.T.A. notice has not impressed old taxi drivers such as Senita Lauina Sooalo, who is attached to the DB taxi stand at Vaivase, and has been plying his trade for over 20 years. 

He told Samoa Observer that both the public transport owners and the L.T.A. should follow the law by holding industry consultations where issues such as the rise in fuel costs will also be discussed. 

"First of all, just because the fuel price has gone up and keeps going up, doesn't mean they need to increase the cost of public transport fares as well because there is a law that should serve as a guideline for both L.T.A and the drivers (buses and taxis)," he said. "I have been in this service for over 20 years and I keep reminding and sometimes scolding the new and young drivers for overcharging their passengers because of the pressure from the increase in the fuel prices.

"However, I also do not agree with L.T.A and their notice because under the law and in the last consultation we had in 2014, in every six years, the law on public transport should be reviewed, every six years.

"It's been over 6 years and there hasn't been a review if that's what the notice is saying, that the prices remain since 2014 and if there was a review, we should've been consulted like last time."

Since 2014 and under the law, the normal rate for a taxi fare is $3.50 with an extra charge of $1 if a taxi waits for five minutes upwards. Also, $1 is charged when a taxi drives off 100 metres from the main road, especially on rough roads.

Similar sentiments were also being expressed by another driver, Malo Upega of Freddy's taxi stand in Motootua who said the profits he earned years back compared to these days since the fuel prices increased have dropped.

"It's not just me even other taxi drivers and even bus drivers and everyone knows that the fuel price has increased so maybe it's something they need to consider," he said.

The Samoa Observer has sent questions to the Chief Executive Officer of the L.T.A. seeking her comments. 

By Talaia Mika 02 August 2023, 11:00PM
Samoa Observer

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