Deputy Ombudsman found guilty, sentencing adjourned

By Talaia Mika 01 July 2023, 9:00AM

Deputy Ombudsman, Pepe Maualaivao Seiuli will be sentenced next week after being found guilty of assault by the District Court.

He assaulted businessman Maualaivao Patelesio Pat Ah Him after discussions became heated during a village council meeting.

The verdict was delivered orally by Judge Talasa Atoa Saaga earlier this month whereas the written decision is not yet ready according to the judge who is scheduled to deliver the sentencing of the Deputy Ombudsman on 7 July.

However, the sentencing was adjourned to Friday of next week as the defense lawyer requested to file an application of discharge without conviction on the day of the sentencing.

Defence lawyer, Su'a Alex Su'a on Friday requested for a written copy of the verdict in preparation for his official application of discharge without conviction.

The plaintiff or businessman described the alleged incident as "bullyish within the village meetings" which he added has changed the foundations of the village councils.

Meanwhile, the businessman and former politician is also suing four Government agencies including the Office of the Ombudsman for SAT$1.8 million over this case which he initially filed with the police in 2020.

He is taking the Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Ministry of Police, the Attorney General of Samoa, and the Office of the Ombudsman to court. 

The 2020 case is connected to a village meeting in Malie which Maualaivao attended and expressed his desire to be a candidate in the 2021 General Election, only to get a negative response at that time from the Deputy Ombudsman, Maualaivao Pepe Seiuli. He claims that the Deputy Ombudsman allegedly used threatening and insulting words directed at him during the meeting which led to him lodging a complaint with the Police against the Deputy Ombudsman in 2020. 

The Deputy Ombudsman was born and raised in Samoa, joined the Office of the Ombudsman in 1992 when the Office was established at the Old Fono House of Parliament.

He assists the Ombudsman in investigations against Government Ministries and agencies concerning complaints from members of the public relating to matters of defective administration. 

He is also responsible to the Ombudsman in the overall administration of the Office to ensure effective and efficient operations.

By Talaia Mika 01 July 2023, 9:00AM
Samoa Observer

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