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Former S.N.P.F. boss confirms unsuccessful bid

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Former S.N.P.F. boss confirms unsuccessful bid

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 31 May 2023, 9:00AM

Former Samoa National Provident Fund (S.N.P.F.) boss Pauli Prince Suhren has declared "I will be back" after he was officially advised that his bid for reappointment was unsuccessful.

Pauli was chief executive officer of the S.N.P.F. for six years, and hours after receiving a letter from the fund's selection panel of his unsuccessful application on Tuesday, he told Samoa Observer that he remains optimistic about the future despite hitting a hurdle in his attempts to get back his old job.

He said there were a number of uncompleted projects which he wanted to complete hence his decision to reapply for his old job. 

"I will be back, someday, someway, somehow," the former C.E.O. said. "It is what it is. I mean I had a feeling they did not want me back when they re-advertised the vacancy after completing all the recruitment processes the first time the position was advertised. 

"I just thought I'd still re-apply again when it was re-advertised because there's a lot of work that we had started that needs to be completed. 

"But I thank God for the last six years he had given me to serve in this capacity and for using me as a servant to serve my people and our community."

Claiming that he is now at peace, after hearing from the fund's selection panel, Pauli said he is looking forward to plans that God has for him. 

"As they say, when one door closes, another one opens, as for now I give God all the glory for enabling me and for guiding me through my journey as the C.E.O. for S.N.P.F. I would not have been able to fulfil what was expected of me if it weren't for him."

Asked whether he was confident that he had successfully fulfilled what was asked of him as the S.N.P.F. head, Pauli said: "I believe that during my tenure, with the help and support of the former chairs and board of directors as well as the management, we took S.N.P.F. to new heights and achieved what was never done before. 

"The records speak for this and you only need to look at the recent annual reports and the great feedback from the Members of the Legislative Assembly from both sides when those reports were deliberated in Parliament. 

"The total value of the fund is now SAT$1.1. billion and that is more than enough to prove that we had done a fantastic job over the last six years and for that, we give back the glory to he who made it possible for us."

Pauli also said he is hoping to get another chance to officially farewell his S.N.P.F. staff so he can thank them again for all their support and hard work over the years. 

"I will miss my S.N.P.F. family and I would like to acknowledge them for all the support they have given me during my tenure," he said. "I would not have been able to carry out my duties if it weren't for their ongoing support and assistance. 

"It was an honour to have worked with such a dedicated and passionate team and I will always carry that with me. I also would like to acknowledge the former board of directors whom I have worked with in the last six years. 

"I have served under three different Chairs, Tupa'imatuna Iulai Lavea, Leasiosiofa'asisina Oscar Malielegaoi, and Saoleititi Maeva Betham-Vaai. I want to acknowledge their support over the years and for believing in our vision and mission. 

"I also want to acknowledge the former administration who appointed me not because of the political colours I supported but based on merit, experiences, and qualifications."

Pauli also thanked his wife Nowotta Suhren, saying she had been with him and supported him, while he was the C.E.O. of the fund.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 31 May 2023, 9:00AM
Samoa Observer

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