Internal disputes impact Govt. appointments

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 24 September 2024, 12:00PM

The Ministry of Women Community and Social Development (M.W.C.S.D.) has acknowledged the sensitivity of internal disputes at village governance affecting government appointments. 

This was apparently in a case where a former village mayor had his employment terminated and was recently paid compensation for his removal arising from village affairs. 

The M.W.C.S.D. Chief Executive Officer, Loau Donina Vaa said she was humbled to have met the former village mayor. She said the Ministry acknowledged that he holds a deep heart for advancing Samoa in a peaceful and constructive manner. 

“His commitment to his village and the broader well-being of our nation is evident, and it is something we all share in our service to our people,” she said. 

Loau said about the potential reinstatement of Lomia as village mayor, she respectfully noted that such decisions lie within the village’s authority. 

“While the Ministry recognises the settlement reached, the village council ultimately holds the responsibility to decide on matters of leadership in their communities. 

“We remain available to support and facilitate any discussions needed, intending to foster understanding and mutual respect.”

Lomia Tauloa Siaaga, former mayor of Fatuvalu Safune sought legal redress for his removal in February 2021 following frictions within the village setting leading up to the General Election. 

He met with M.W.C.S.D. last week where a settlement was reached on grounds that he submits a resignation notice to clear his name on the Ministry’s record instead of stating he was removed. 

He will also be paid $15000 for the remainder of his employment in 2021 and $2500 for legal fees. 

About the agreement, Loau said she is mindful of the confidentiality that accompanies the legal matter and assured the outcome reflects a mutual agreement grounded in respect and consideration for all parties involved. 

“The Ministry acknowledges the complexity of situations where village governance and government appointments intersect,” she added. 

“It is our role to respect the traditional leadership of villages and the legal frameworks that guide our national appointments. 

“We are dedicated to ensuring that these processes are conducted transparently, always to preserve harmony and respect for all.” 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 24 September 2024, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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