The public tell of their Easter plans

With the Easter long weekend now upon us and families around Samoa beginning preparations for the weekend of festivities, trainee reporter Cedric Ah Colt and photographer Piui Simi talk to the public about how they plan to mark Easter.
Toetu Salvation, 19, Vaitele Fou.
“From the past weeks, only Easter brings free days and free time for our families to spend time together. Tomorrow (Good Friday) will be a public holiday and I wished for time to spend with my family despite the challenges and circumstances I face this holiday Easter brings families and friends together. On Saturday, I am looking forward to going to the plantation to use my spare time wisely. Sunday is always our go-to-church day and my family is so strict with going to church. The importance of Easter, in my opinion, is for every individual to think of the sacrifices of Jesus Christ."
Oliva Moors, 15, Vaitele Uta.
"As you see I just got out from the school gates and I am about to go home and spend my holidays with my family. I always wanted free time and time to get away from my studies for once. Good Friday tomorrow is the day we all should worship and think of God in sacrificing his own son in order to forgive the World. The first thing tomorrow morning is to get up very early and head to church for the spirit of God to enter our souls and free us. Saturday will be a very great time to spend with my family for just chilling around and sharing with my parents for the whole day."
Feagai Fealofa’i, 21, Faleula.
“I have been working all day this week and feel weak from all the hard work and every problem I have faced. As a matter of fact, I also need some time to spend with my family and friends. However, our plans for tomorrow are the same as every Samoan’s plans which are going to church and feeling the spirit of Jesus with his sacrifices."
Siaulaina Emosi, 19, Vaitele Uta.
“You are interviewing me right in front of my dad’s house and you can tell that I am all packed for this long holiday. From all the days of every year, the only holidays I get to visit my grandmother who lives in Manono Tai. I live here at Vaitele Uta with my father and his wife but now that the holidays are coming up I am on my way to Manono Tai to see my grandmother before I get back on Monday. Nothing much to do but just go to church. Leave all chores and spend the holidays to sleep and gain strength for the upcoming normal working day."
Tafu Fuimaono, 56, Vaitele Uta.
“Easter celebrated by Samoa is different from Easter events of the European countries. However, Samoa’s Easter focuses on Jesus Christ’s sacrifices on how he died to forgive our sins so my plans and everyone’s plan – I expect full churches tomorrow until Sunday."
Akata Tuialii Misipele, 52, Lepea.
“As a member of the Catholic Church, Catholics have so much to do every Easter. We are fully scheduled from Good Friday until Sunday so my only plans are always church because we get to experience what we wake up to every day, which is God’s love, and may the world be at peace this Easter."