Keeping our families healthy

By Enid Westerlund 02 March 2023, 10:00AM

It is back to school and work for many of us and it seems like this weather does not want to help move things along.

On top of that we have measles warnings and awareness because we don’t want to lose any more of our children to that again. Ministry of Health is advising parents to keep vaccinations up to date and look out for signs of measles. Samoa doesn’t need more tradgedies for 2023.

Vaccinations are rolling out again with open borders and as parents we are responsible for our children. Whatever your thoughts are on the matter, make sure you are okay with the consequences. Aside from vaccinations, we have the influenza making rounds again.

How are we keeping our families healthy?

1. Everything is going up: Healthy choices are not easy these days with inflation. Life in Samoa is expensive. A friend with shopping for her business that used to cost $500 a week is now $2000! What a huge increase for the same stuff. I feel for those on minimum wages, already living below the poverty line and with the rising costs, the same group is more disadvantaged. Even buying the bare minimum (chicken and noodles) cannot be stretched far enough anymore. How then do we expect different health reports when this is what most of our families live on daily?

2. Exercise: I’m also guilty of having zero time for exercise. With our daily responsibilities, work and commitments, at the end of the day, there’s just no time to exercise. Yes, it’s a good excuse for us working mothers. How to fix this? Perhaps try and commit to early mornings or lunch breaks before school pick up? It’s the best time to get some movement in our day and you’ll have some energy left over to cook, clean and care for the children after work. The reality is, women do a lot more at home than men, especially for parents who are working full time.

Thanks to awesome fathers and husbands who are preparing the kids for school while we go off to have that bit of exercise in the morning.

3. Medication/ Vitamins:

If you have long term health conditions, don’t get caught out when Samoa is short of supply. I remember a few mothers desperately asking for help online last year because the pharmacies ran out of pamol/liquid panadols . Ask for extra medicine during your next doctor’s appointment, especially for babies. Keep that extra pamol or medicine in case of emergencies, save yourself the extra stress. Don’t wait until kids are non responsive to take them to the hospital. Your worries are valid when it comes to babies and young children. A visit to the ER is still better than waiting at the morgue.

4. Saving petrol:

If the cost of petrol is too much these days, try car pooling or using one car. It will mean a lot more communication with your family and working out schedules. If it means saving that extra $200 a week, your bank account will thank you for it.

5. Grow some trees:

You can help your family live healthier by growing a few trees or even a vegetable garden. Fruit trees are a great long term investment. Avocado, lychee, mango, pineapple, orange, banana and so forth. It’s small effort for awesome vitamin sources down the line. Make it a family activity.

6. Sell that extra clutter in your house:

The environment and living spaces are all part of your health. If you have too much stuff and unnecessary clutter, have a garage sale or give away extra stuff that you do not need. I know a lot of us hold onto sentimental pieces and that’s alright. I’m talking about those extra plastic containers, cushions, linen, dishes and cutlery that’s stacking up on the sinks, extra clothes that do not fit anymore and hoping to fit but never do. Don’t forget your shoe closet that’s collecting dust as well as your electrical appliance collection that’s only been used once and then stored away. Reuse and recycle.

You never know that your neighbour might be needing an extra spatula!

Enjoy the rest of the week, don’t be too hard on yourself and look out for those sick days.

By Enid Westerlund 02 March 2023, 10:00AM
Samoa Observer

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