Mase optimistic despite short timing

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 01 July 2024, 9:00PM

Despite having less than a week to train as a team, Manu Samoa head coach Mase Mahonri Schwalger believes they will be ready for the clash against Italy on Friday night.

He confirmed this at a press conference at Orator Hotel on Monday.

“Our team’s preparations for our game this week are running smoothly. Majority of the players arrived on Sunday, so we’ve only got a week to put this team together. We are not taking Italy lightly as they are ranked seventh on the World ranking,” said Mase.

“One week is not enough, and that is the challenge. We still have a few days before we start but right now, we are slowly preparing for the game.”

“However, it all comes down to selection. We must have the right players to come and play. Players who are confident, smart, and have the strength to prepare for these few days. But these days are not enough.”

Mase has confirmed that nine local players have been selected. He believes he has a good mix players and everyone will play for the flag.

According to Mase, not enough funding caused players to arrive later than planned and not have enough time to train.

“There are some things you can’t control. I cannot say much on the issue in regards to the funding I am more focused on my role as the coach. They gave me a time frame and so my focus is on the team at the moment. But in terms of the financial situations, maybe the management will be able to give a response to that question,” he said.

Mase stressed out that in selecting his team, he needs a team that has a “one-beat” spirit. A player that is not here to play for the money but for the country.

“In terms of money, you don’t find money here. What we can provide is the legacy. You are here to serve your country, your family and your church. We lose that urge and we lose a little bit of respect for the jersey,” he said.

Mase has urged supporters to come in numbers and rally behind them.

Italy has been given a 91 per cent chance to win the game coming from their victory against Wales. Both teams have previously met eight times with Italy winning five. In their last encounter, Italy beat Manu Samoa 49-17.

Manu Samoa will take on Italy at Apia Park on Friday 5 July at 5pm.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 01 July 2024, 9:00PM
Samoa Observer

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