Parents are part of students' success

By Uale Tofilau 30 June 2024, 6:00PM

In today's changing world, the partnership between parents and schools is more important than ever. 

Studies show that when parents are involved in their child's education, it greatly benefits the child's academic and social success. Creating good communication between schools and parents is key to making this partnership work.

Parental involvement has a big impact on students' grades and motivation. When parents help with homework, attend parent-teacher meetings, and join school events, students perform better in school. Setting up a regular homework routine and talking about school activities at home can show children that education is important.

Beyond grades, parental involvement helps children build confidence and social skills. When parents are engaged, children are more likely to form positive relationships with their peers and teachers. This involvement teaches children important life skills like communication and problem-solving, and helps them feel part of the school community.

Good communication between schools and parents is essential. Schools should provide regular updates on students' progress through newsletters, emails, or online portals. Parent-teacher conferences are a great way for direct communication, allowing parents and teachers to discuss the child's strengths and areas for improvement. Schools can also offer workshops for parents on topics like study techniques and internet safety, giving parents the tools to support their child’s learning.

An open-door policy where parents feel comfortable approaching teachers with concerns helps build trust. Schools can also encourage parents to volunteer in school activities, which strengthens their connection to the school and gives them insight into their child's learning environment.

Parental involvement is crucial for students' academic and social success. By working together, schools and parents can create a supportive environment that helps children thrive both in and out of the classroom.

By Uale Tofilau 30 June 2024, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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