Between the Lines


“Do you have a watch? If not then get one.” This was the message from a judge to a lawyer fond of coming to court late.


More than a dozen vehicles carrying foreign officials have been zooming around. Do not be puzzled, these are CHOGM officials doing checks before the event in October.


Just one job and that was to put up a notice in time so people had time to read it. A notice about a police motorcade went up 15 minutes before it commenced.


Even experts make mistakes. The official site for the big event has some typos as well. Instead of saying youth forum, it says youth form. Just a small mistake.


The son of the former Fijian PM was jailed in Australia for domestic violence. The former PM was jailed for a year in Fiji two months ago.


Big trucks carrying gravel through the main road should cover their cargo. Stones are often seen lying around the main highway. Hopefully, the falling debris does not cause an accident.


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