Between the Lines


The training of the auxiliary officers who would be backing up the boys in blue in October could be the first activity to be held at the new police academy.


The local production of Samoa’s famous beer was forecasted to start in August. There seem to be some delays. People are looking forward to the beer being produced locally.


The cart has been placed before the horse again. The agriculture ministry should be more focused on increasing the yield for local markets first.


Some supermarkets are still limiting the number of egg cartons a customer can buy. Maybe, more hens are needed to increase the production of eggs.


Almost two years ago, a cabinet minister announced the export of cattle and beef to Pago. A check should be done with guys at the statistics office to see how many have been exported.


A special summit needs to be convened to discuss getting children off the streets and putting them back in schools. Free education could be a start.

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