The long and winding road

Think a minute… After my teenage son learned to drive, he still did not learn the quickest, shortest route to where he wanted to go. He often ended up turning a 10-minute drive into a 20-minute journey. Taking the long way home cost him a lot of wasted time and money for fuel.

Yet often in life we take the long and winding road to get where we want to be. Life is short, yet we take so long to learn how to live it well. “Experience may be a good teacher, but it charges us a high price for the lessons we learn.”

Each day we face possibilities to make wrong turns, or to simply go around in circles with our daily routine, never actually making progress. “We live and learn, but some of us just live.” So we die sometimes having never learned to really live the right, satisfying way. We take many twists and turns trying to find our way through this life of good and bad, right and wrong. We face a lot of choices, including false starts, detours, and dead ends.

Remember, “No one ever got lost on a straight road.” It’s actually quite easy to find the right road in life. For one thing, “If the truth is standing in your way, you know you’re headed in the wrong direction.” It’s like going the wrong way on a one-way street: the person who turns around the soonest is the smartest and safest. There is nothing smart about being too stubborn and proud to admit we have made a mistake.

It makes no sense to ask 2 plus 2 to equal 5. Just like it makes no sense to ask God to change the facts of right and wrong so I can live my own way. And what if God said it was OK for me to do the wrong thing I want to do?

Then how would I feel if God let someone else do that wrong thing to me or to someone in my family? He shows us His right ways for our happiness and safety! Jesus declared that He is the only way to true life. Follow Him and He will lead you where you want to go. He knows this land called life. He made it. Trust Him.

So won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you for living your way? Then ask Him to take full charge of your heart and daily way of living, so you can stop taking wrong turns and dead-end streets. He is the only One Who can lead you off the long and winding road to the straight and only way home, where your satisfying, everlasting life is waiting for you. Just think a minute…

Samoa Observer

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