Time to reconsider daylight saving

Dear Editor,

As a regular visitor to Samoa from Australia I am intrigued at the adoption of daylight saving. 

Whilst there are benefits in terms of longer evenings, I believe the economics of the practice require reassessment. Samoa is not a wealthy country.

Compelling commerce, industry and agriculture to commence operation some three hours before sunrise must put considerable strain on the power grid. During this time of darkness, electricity is entirely derived from (imported) fossil fuel. 

Obviously solar is out of the question.

The move to the New Zealand time zone was a responsible and constructive  step forward. By the same token could not the government rethink the wisdom of daylight saving. Benefits to the national economy would be significant and as a regular visitor and tourist I would appreciate a natural day/night environment more appropriate to this wonderful island nation.

John J Smiles

Deakin West ACT


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