Rain or shine, Sefo works

By Fetalai Tuilulu’u 06 April 2017, 12:00AM

Rain or shine, a loving parent must work.

For when they stop, the children will suffer.

This much can be said about Sefo Pesamino from the village of Faleasi’u. 

The 56-year-old’s worst fear is not being able to help his family – especially his children.

When the Village Voice team arrived yesterday, Sefo was hard at work at his plantation. 

 “I do this for my family and my children,” he said.

“I know people at my age are no longer working but as you can see I still am strong enough to push through all because I don’t want my family to starve. 

“This is how I take care of my family. I plant some yams, taro and fruits so that my children and wife will not only have food but also some money. 

“You see, the weather is always challenging but that doesn’t stop me at all.” 

Sefo has been a farmer since a young age.

“I have worked at planting taro, banana and more for a long time,” he said.

“This is where my children are provided for financially until they are old enough to have their own families.” 

Sefo says life is a struggle but people have just got to learn to manage.

 “The problem is when I don’t have money sometimes,” he said. “When that happenes, I feel like I’ve  neglected my family. 

“There are times when I get angry at myself for not having a job to provide but I accept that this is who I am and what I do best.”

By Fetalai Tuilulu’u 06 April 2017, 12:00AM
Samoa Observer

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