Parrots and Eagles
Think a minute…As a kid I used to watch birds and imagine what it felt like to fly.
Now I ask myself, “Would I be more like an eagle or a parrot?” They are two very different kinds of birds. Even though it can fly, a parrot prefers to stay inside a comfortable cage, eat the same dry seeds, listen and repeat the same words over and over again every day of its life. In fact, you rarely see a parrot fly.
Eagles, however, have an inner drive to explore and experience everything out there.
They have the courage to change the scenery and take risks. They’re not afraid to leave their familiar, comfortable nest to search for more.
An eagle’s passion pushes it to soar high and explore new territory, looking for fresh and satisfying food instead of the same dry seeds every day.
Which bird are you most like? If you’re satisfied being a parrot kind of person, then you will likely remain the same the rest of your life. But you will never be more or have more in life. Plus, you will never know if what you believe and settle for is really true. Remember: “If you agree with someone on everything, then one of you is doing all the thinking.”
The wise, successful person is not only open to new ideas, he goes looking for them.
If you want the full and exciting life God created you to have, what are you waiting for? Do you realize how out of place you are living in that small mental world of the same thinking and routine every day of your life? Imagine how silly a large, majestic eagle would look sitting in a cage, eating from a tasteless pile of dried seeds!
Why don’t you ask your Creator to take complete charge of your life? Jesus clearly proved He is the true and only way to real life—by His teaching, miracles, death and resurrection. He wants to lead you into all the truth, success, and satisfaction He created you to have in a daily relationship with Him—since He’s the Lord of life.
Just think a minute