Mama’s Boys

Think a minute…In 1946, the United States Army showed to the public its brand new 30-ton computer called the ENIAC. All the credit for this invention was given to two men, John Mauchly and J. Eckert. But it was actually a group of six women who programmed the computer and made this complex machine work. None of those six women were acknowledged for their amazing work and achievement. Only recently have historians made known this injustice and given these women the credit they earned.

Sadly, throughout history women and mothers often have not been given the honor and recognition they deserve. Yet the great French leader and conqueror Napolean said:  “The future of a child is usually the work of the mother.” History seems to prove it. In fact, many of the greatest men and leaders of the world have proudly admitted that they became strong men because of their mothers’ teaching and example.

They were proud to be “mama’s boys!” Some of these great men were U.S. Presidents, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and the list goes on and on. George Washington, the first President of the United States, said:  “All that I am I owe to my mother…I credit all of my success in life to the moral and intellectual training I received from her.”

It is clear throughout history that women and mothers are some of the most important, powerful people in the world, proving true the saying:  “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” Jesus Himself showed that women are just as important to God as men.

So if you are a woman, ask your Maker to help you see and value yourself the same way He does.  If you are a man, ask Jesus to help you show honor and respect to your wife, and mother, by treating her the way God Himself does, and commands you to. Just think a minute…

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