Public welcome New Zealand's building of new market

By Gutu Faasau 04 August 2022, 1:00PM

Amanda Telesia Epa, 63, Vaimoso

"This is very good, there have been many market places that have been made and then continuously renovated over and over but I know at least that this new market place that will be made by NZ will last longer and stay for a long time for the better. For example, this market place is not at its best anymore, the quality of the market place is not the same. There isn't any proper drainage around the market and the condition of the stalls are deteriorating. So how it is now is that we have to fix everything ourselves. Hopefully the new market place will be made to last long and thank you to New Zealand for your assistance to us in our time of need."

Toni Viliamu, 24, Lepea

"I think that this is very good for us, how fast can they build this new market place. I would very much appreciate it if they could complete the construction before the end of this year. Right now we're hoping for the best and to hear that NZ is going to build us a new market place for our businesses is definitely great news for all of us."

Temple Leaupepetele, 28, Faleasiu

"It is a good opportunity for us in building this new market especially for us local people. Big support should go to our people and this is a blessing for us Samoa and its local businesses."

Meligi Raymond, 27, Elise-Fou

"I am happy to hear about this. With us right now, we don't earn as much as we used to when we were at the old market place. We had a lot more customers and we don't have many buses coming this way. We are fortunate enough to have people especially students come down to our stalls. Thank you to the New Zealand government for their help, now that we can move back to the old location with a new market place, it is definitely good news and makes me happy."

Fiaui Vaa Tiitii Atalana, 48, Safaatoa Lefaga 

"My thoughts on this is that it is beneficial for all these local businesses and for Samoa's future. Whatever decision our Prime Minister and our Government have in store for Samoa is for the better. It's a great plan to have it built up again, I come here for my kekepuaa and my cup of coffee by catching a taxi here. If we have it there, you can just walk to the stall and grab something to eat and a hot drink and plan the rest of your day."

By Gutu Faasau 04 August 2022, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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