Families looking forward to celebrating White Sunday

By Bethel Peato Ale 08 October 2021, 5:00PM

Makerita Patea, 69, Uafato

 “It’s nice to see Apia busy and bustling with people looking to buy and stock up for White Sunday. This time last year it was like a ghost town in Apia because of the S.O.E restrictions, but I’m glad this year we’re able to go back to how preparations used to be in previous White Sundays before the world was hit by COVID-19. I run a small business selling handicrafts and dresses, and sales have been good these past two weeks. I only hope there are no fatal car accidents any day this week leading up to White Sunday like last Father’s Day where two women died because of a car crash in Leusoalii.”

Talatau Vilitati, 31, Mulifanua

“I’m glad the public can now be able to shop for all they need for White Sunday. People are buying not only their kid’s clothes but they’re also buying food for the White Sunday to’ona’i which is a longstanding tradition in Samoa. Also we will be able to go swimming with the kids this Sunday because the S.O.E. restrictions prohibiting us from going to beaches, pools, and rivers are no longer in effect. Things are finally going back to normal.”

Jossie Togatupu, 55, Alafua and Vaipuna

“I think we’re slowly and surely getting back to the normal days before COVID-19. I know this year will be different from the last two years because people now have more time to do their shopping and finish their preparations for this White Sunday.  The beaches and waterfalls are open to the public again with the S.O.E. relaxed so this year’s White Sunday is going to be a happier one compared to how gloomy it was last year.”

Leapagatele Eteuati, 64, Tafatafa Falealili

“To me, this year’s White Sunday is no different from last year’s. Sure there were restrictions but it was quiet and peaceful, it was reminiscent of how it was when I was growing up. Nowadays, Sunday seems like every other day of the week because people have forgotten that they should respect and keep the Sabbath. I am not saying to stop White Sunday, but we need to celebrate it like back in the old days, when it was done with respect.”

Rosa Avapalu, 56, Lefagaoali and Tulaele

“This year’s White Sunday is very special because it’s the first time since the S.O.E restrictions were lifted last August. I am a stall owner here in Savalalo and for the past two weeks, I’ve seen a lot of people flock to Apia in order to buy in preparation for the children’s special day this coming Sunday. Even though the world we’re living in today is struggling because of Covid19, I thank God that Samoa is still protected from the deadly virus heading into this year’s White Sunday.”

Tavita Siliato, 36, Tufuiopa

“I’ve already bought dresses and 'ie faitaga' for my children because this week Apia will be full of shoppers and often causes traffic accidents because of the rush. As for celebrating White Sunday, I already have a box of ice cream in the refrigerator for the kids as that is the main thing they’re looking forward to on this special day dedicated to them. I pray that we all have a safe and wonderful time with our families in this White Sunday.”

By Bethel Peato Ale 08 October 2021, 5:00PM
Samoa Observer

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