Public welcomes Minister's honesty drive

By Ueni Peauala Pauulu 15 August 2021, 1:00PM

Vaifale Iosefa, 73, Leauvaa

"This is one of the reasons why lot of warriors, kings and leaders in the bible falls, it’s all because of dishonesty. For example King David, he was a good warrior and he became a king of Israel but he fell because he disobeyed God when he wanted another person’s wife. It’s the same as high positions in Ministries, companies and church, people always start being honest when they start but when they hold higher positions, that’s when they take advantage of other people. So yes, Olo’s comment is absolutely correct."

Savali Elaisa, 59, Tufulele

"The bible says obedience, honesty and integrity are better than sacrifices. Which is a path for us to live life according to what God wants us to? In this world that we are living in including Samoa, there are many intelligent people with high qualification but full of untruthfulness and dishonesty. Also there are many witnesses who pour out lies and stir up conflict in the community. So Olo Fiti Vaai  is right, we need to have honest people to run the country and not use others."

Ron Lafaele, 38, Vailele

"It is a very good encouragement not only for the Ministry of Work Transportation and Infrastructure but other Ministries of the Government. Honesty is the best policy and no matter how high your qualifications are, if you are corrupt, it’s useless. Because you don’t love other people as well as the Lord. But if you are an unwise person with no qualification but you have the integrity and honesty, God will lift you high, support you and bless you. We need honest people in this country."

Paulo Bowden, 44, Faleasiu

"I agree with what Olo emphasised to his Ministry because it is the most important thing in this world, which is honesty. I know it’s painful to put honesty in action because sometimes other people will benefit from it rather than me and those who do the hard work. But if you are true to little thing now, you will be successful and victorious in the future so it’s a good advice for all of us."

Maria Mika, 27, Malie 

"What I think is you don’t get a good qualification if you don’t want to be honest with your studies. You only received a qualification when you are honest and put effort into your studies. So what I’m saying is if people with high qualification were honest and study hard in order for them to succeed and get those high degrees. So it’s complicated what the Minister said, because yes, we need honest people to do the job but we also need the right people with the suitable qualification to do the work. So qualification is important but to add up honesty to seal everything.

Sal’a Eulalia, 64, Mauga Savaii

"I support what the Minister is saying because there is no point for us to have good qualifications andt are full of lies and deceit. There is lot of corruption in this country and sadly, it’s started from the top with the leaders who use God's name to argue what is best for them. People with love can do the right thing for others but people without love and full of selfishness will always fail. So I believed we need honest people to run this country with action but not their words."

Tamalema’i Faitala, 51, Lalovaea

"My own opinion about what the Minister said is complicated. What I believe is there are people with no school before but are rich and wealthy who ran in the nation elections and won, now they've become MPs without any experience except for their money. Also there are people who have the most suitable qualification who can’t run for politics because they have no money to do their campaign. So if the Minister reminds the people about honesty, leaders should start it and be a model for the people. But not telling people what is right because they are the worst and full of corruption. We should do everything with love and honesty."

 Ulugia Sopoit’u Loto, 66, Vaiusu

"To be honorable and doing the right thing is more important. You don’t honor someone by lies and falsehoods. There are heaps of people in Samoa like that, untrustworthy and dishonest. And it is hard to believe because they smart enough to do the wrong thing and never get caught. Speaking of Tuilaepa and what he’s doing to the new Prime Minister, it is so disrespectful and rude. We are Samoans, we honor our sisters as the apple-of-our eyes, he has no manners and respect for Fiame. Olo is right because the longer you stay in a position, the more you know about tricks and wiles. Yes, we need intelligent people and most importantly, we need trustworthy people in this country."

By Ueni Peauala Pauulu 15 August 2021, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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