Public decry Govt. Facebook ban attempts

Fitu Reupena, 56, Sapunaoa
“They shouldn’t ban Facebook from Samoa, he (caretaker Prime Minister) has no right to ban Facebook as it plays an important role in our society. I don’t have a Facebook account but the way people use it makes it reliable so they continue to use it, especially our people who are living overseas. They want to see what is happening in our country despite all these issues going around, a connection not only for our families but for our loved ones as well."
Tagaloa Aperila Uelese, 58, Vaitele-fou
“Facebook helps our people and makes communicating with our families overseas much easier. It is also useful for the young generation in terms of their school work and for those who work in offices. Therefore banning Facebook is not helping us at all as some businesses use Facebook to advertise. Due to the fact there is the easy way to earn money for a living, and as a member of developing countries we need social media platforms like Facebook as they would help our people."
Gau Tuutasia, 58, Safaato’a
“We are not offended by the content people have personally posted stuff on Facebook because we live in a world of freedom where we can get our own opinions and express it freely. Having Facebook banned in Samoa is not helping after all, a lot of good work will now become unseen and also lots of people might not know what is happening to Samoa, especially this time with the court cases and the election results."
John Tamate, 26, Fagalii
“As part of the young generation of Samoa I prefer not to have a Facebook ban. Also we are not offended by what is happening as you can see some other countries express their very own points of view freely. Therefore, the social media platform shouldn’t be banned in Samoa if they want us to benefit for our future then this should not be banned."
Tupu Ah-Ching, 29, Vaitele-uta
“The truth is I am not offended by what I’ve seen on Facebook because it is the right of a person to say what he or she wants. Creating a Facebook account is also up to the person who has the authority to access and know what he or she wants to say. The only impact is the way people use it as tools to destroy others people lives, however, it is also very easy to connect with our family overseas and also knowing what is happening around the world as well."
Conzuella Levi, 31, Aleisa
“Some people do use Facebook to advertise their goods such as the small business owners who have stalls at the flea markets. But if Facebook is removed then the impact on them will be felt. Other issues going around on Facebook with people posting non-important stuff but ultimately it is up to the person who reads it. That's the only problem in our country where people easily talk about nonsense stuff instead of using the platform wisely."