Travellers welcome Samoa Express II

By Marietherese Nauer 16 March 2021, 12:00PM

Migi Pokati, 56, Saipipi Savai’i

“We have been greatly  blessed with the new inter-island ferry especially for us people at Savai’i. A big thank you and words of gratitude to the Government of Samoa for the new Samoa Express II ferry. The transportation of people back and forth from Upolu and Savai’i will be much easier nowadays because of the new ferry. This also tells how people of Samoa are working together with improving our country and it’s transportation.”

Fa’apaia Vili, 66, Fusi Safata

“A special thanks goes out to the Parliament of Samoa for this new ferry and it’s service for the people. Since the day of the election is days away, it will be so much easier for us to travel to Savai’i to vote for our constituencies there. It is making life easier in ways of sea transportation and the numbers of people travelling inter-island will increase each day because of the new ferry.”

Fa’atagitagi Fa’alaulau, 19, Vaoala

“It helps people to travel inter-islands, especially when the 2021 election is near.  Travelling would be hard for people at times due to high demand if there is just one ferry, but with the addition of the Samoa Express II, it makes it more easier to travel between the two islands. Also students who’re spending weekends at their homes in Savai’i, they will return to school in Upolu early due to the great services of the new ferry.”

Lagi Sagato, 20, Lelepa

"It is useful for the public to travel inter-island. The ferry is huge and can carry a large number of people within the two islands. The Samoa Express II can still transport people even in bad weather, it is strong and the safety of the public is guaranteed. As for Lady Samoa all it's trips get cancelled due to bad weather but for Samoa Express II it pushes through, this shows how advanced this new ferry is."

Tasi Taelega, 35, Vaitele Tai

"By having this ferry in addition to the numbers of other ferries is very helpful. It would be much greater if having this new ferry can also decrease the cost of tickets. When the ocean is rough, people get wet while riding smaller ferries and it is somehow scary for them. The Samoa Express II is safe and well secure for the transportation of people."

Fa'amuina Fa'alelei, 49, Sapapali'i

"I haven't seen the new ferry yet but it is important to have a new ferry to help with the transporting of people inter-islands. It will make it easier for our people at Savai'i to travel to Upolu. Also there are people with seasickness using this ferry, but I doubt they will go through that experience as the ferry is well secured. It can also carry a large number of travelers and vehicles simultaneously. It will lessen the time people use for travelling and everything is in good conditions." 

By Marietherese Nauer 16 March 2021, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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