Should passengers pay for their quarantine costs?

Samuelu Autuanai Paneta, 48, Lalomanu
I think what should be done is the Government should continue to pay for quarantine costs. I think this is what should be done. If the Government is spending this on health and protecting the people of Samoa then that is good. It is not acceptable for people to pay for quarantine costs upon their return. They traveled overseas to work for their family and our country, so the Government should pay their quarantine costs.
Leon Tufuga, 25, Moamoa
This type of thing should be paid by the Government. The disease that is spreading is very dangerous and Samoa’s safety is important. The people don’t have enough money to pay for their quarantine costs.
Tasi Meafou, 63, Aufaga
The Government is spending a lot of money on this. These people have already gone through checks overseas because you cannot enter the country if you have not gone through checks. Our country should be careful as some of those who have gone through checks might get infected by the disease, which is why they go through quarantine for two weeks. They are coming with money, so they should pay for their quarantine costs because some people just need a cup of tea and they can save money for their family. People should pay for the food and accommodation.
Eneleka Viliamu, 39, Aufaga
Our Government is protecting us because if one person is affected then that will affect all of us. It is not these people's fault that they have to stay at these hotels, it is the Government’s responsibility to put these people in hotels for two weeks. The Government should continue to pay for the quarantine costs so that our country can be protected from the disease.
Theresa Fatu, 51, Saleapaga
I think they should pay for the food and the accommodation. It is true that the Government is spending a lot of money to pay the quarantine costs. I think they should use the money they are bringing with them to pay for where they are staying and the food they are eating. I know that they are coming back with a lot of money. The Government will spend more money [on accommodation and meals] while also meeting other Government expenses. They should use their own money.
Iakopo Lino, Tufulele
What is for sure is that they are coming with a lot of money. They should pay for it and the Government should not pay for anything and be free of that cost.