One man band? What do you think?

Lisi Su'a, 28, Lefaga
I really like the Government that we have right now. I don't know if other people think differently but I like the Government. I agree with the way that the Prime Minister is leading our country so I fully support the Government. I would like to see Tuilaepa continue to be the Prime Minister of our country.
Ken Ioane, 19, Aele-fou
I fully support the Government. I also support our Prime Minister because he has achieved a lot over the past few years. I would like to see Tuilaepa continue leading our country and I also know that my village fully supports the Government.
Marietta Schulz, 45, Salesatele
I think there should be changes in the government. Change is good so that our country can keep moving forward. There are sides that make us happy and unhappy so there needs to be some changes.
Henry To'omalatai, 49, Matautu-tai
There are good and bad things about our Government now. There are many developments in our country now but it is not going together with how Samoa was before. I think the country is being run by one man now. There are good and bad things because there is too much money. Less attention is given to the poor people and it seems like the rich people are given more attention. There should be a change in the Government so that they can return Samoa to what it was like before.
Tasi Aiesi, 58, Aleipata
I fully support the Government and I have been supporting them for many years. The only problem is one of the three bills that will affect many of us but I like the current Government because of what they have achieved and the good things that they have done. The Prime Minister has also done many good things and I would be happy if he will continue to be the leader of our country.